Greatest Hits Login Instruction
Welcome to The Greatest Hits!
Let's Get Started!
Please watch this quick tutorial that will walk you through how to get access to the Greatest Hits Classics and/or The Greatest Hits Platinum online and how to use the USB drives! We have granted you access to the Greatest Hits files that corresponds with the package you have purchased and you are ready to start your journey to Real Estate Success!
Step 1: Go to and select Greatest Hits Member Login

Step 2: We have set your account as a member account, you should have received an email to select a password if you hadn't selected one already. If you have not gotten that email, no problem, select Forgot Password.

Step 3: Once logged in you will see a HELLO message and a drop down menu is now available. Select MEMBER TOOLS

Step 4: Here you will find TONS of great information, including the iBuyer Crush Sheets, The Lawyer Letter and MORE! Just scroll down the pages to see all the MEMBER ONLY content!

Step 5: But more importantly, You can now click on the Member Menu to see your Greatest Hits Files! If you have purchased the original, Greatest Hits Classics you will only have access to those files. If you have purchased the NEW Greatest Hits Platinum you will have access to all Greatest Hits files.